Saturday 30 January 2021

A Fountain. A Flower. Some Tentacles

I resumed my solo campaign of Rangers of Shadow Deep and I'm keen to keep going (you can follow the campaign here or via the page in the header above). However one game into it and, I found that I needed a specific piece of terrain and somewhere along the way I also need a specific monster. So, if I wanted to continue I needed to make them. So I got busy.

The most pressing thing I need is a fountain. I made this using the lid of a yoghurt container glued onto a cardboard base and some odd bits and pieces. I've had the figure sitting around for a long, long time. I think it came from a set of 15mm ancient slaves. The problem is, is that the figure is about 23mm tall. It took a while to find a place for it but here it is:
The water is just a couple of thick layers of GW 'Ard Cote. I would have liked to a use some water effects but there's two problems with that: 1) I've never used water effects and I don't know how to apply it. 2) I don't have any water effects. So that solved that problem
And here it is with a couple of figures for scale. 

The plant I need is called a Darkroot (or something like that). It needs a body and a bunch of tendrils or roots or something. I got a set of large plants last year. They are Reaper Bones figures and they look suitably weird. I only painted one of them and the other has been sitting on the bench waiting for its time to come. So I painted it this week.
In the game the plant has a bunch of roots or tentacles that attack the player characters. These I made by rolling up some greenstuff and twisting them into weird shapes. I then flattened their bottom edges and glued them onto bases. Add some paint and that was it. They look suitably slimy and threatening.
This is the first plant I painted. I think it looks better than the opened up version. It has a very Lovecraftian look. I'm not sure which scenario it turns up in during the campaign, but at least I have it ready for when it makes its grand entrance.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal. Cheap, easy and took about 10 minutes to make (it took me longer to find the figure).
