Friday 14 August 2020

Nine for Mortal Men, Doomed to Die...

Unfortunately it seems I've only got six of their rings. But that doesn't matter because the Danse Macabre continues, which means that I've added a bit more to my undead warband.
Yesterday I painted up a bunch of wraiths including The King of The Dead. These are all Reaper Bones and they're great. I couldn't get regular (white) Bones nor could I get black. Instead I had to settle for transparent green/blue. The colour didn't matter at all because I was always going to paint them anyway. But I have to say, the transparent material is really nice. It's different to both black and white Bones with a slightly harder texture.

With the the king I decided to give him a better sword to make him look a bit more intimidating and impressive. I took the sword and hand from a plastic GW undead horseman, gave him a transplant and now he really looks the part.
This figure will be the Warlord for my undead army. I have 5 other wraiths which means: a 6 figure command unit for Dragon Rampant or, by removing 1 wraith I can have a Necromancer Warlord for Saga AoM with a unit of 4 Hearthguard (to help him survive longer).
The other wraiths look nice too. I used a very simple pallet - Two colours, two washes and two dry bushings (grey and green). The only other colour is a highlight of gold on the king's crown. The bases are just one colour, one wash and one dry-brushing.
The other thing I did is an evil undead portal thing. In Saga AoM each faction can have a special terrain piece. I already have something I can use for my faerie army and I'm making another one for the Great Kingdoms. This is what I came up with for the Danse Macabre. It's a Reaper Bones portal thing mounted on a piece of cork, mounted on a cd. Nothing difficult but I came out looking okay.
I'm now working on a zombie dragon again by Reaper Bones (I put in an order which came in record time). None of this stuff is difficult to paint. Half of the paint time is taken up waiting for the thick coats of wash to dry.

And lastly...

I couldn't have planned it better myself: A new GW magazine with a bunch of figures was released this week. It has a sprue of ten of the ghostly models that I'm using for my troops. So, I picked up four copies. This means I can now make up about 80 ghost guys. More than enough for Saga or Dragon Rampant and pretty much enough for a big battle game. It also came with dice and rulers and other stuff. I'll sell off the other sprues of figures sometime in the future.
 I might even pick up another couple of copies & deprive the kids
in my area from getting the grubby little paws on them.
(Insert evil laugh!)