Monday, 30 March 2020

Elves & Ogres and Deep, Deep Dungeons

My painting has slowed a down a bit compared to the past couple of months. But that's because I've been getting in to some solo gaming with Rangers of Shadow Deep and I've been writing up my blog for that and making terrain for it.

But today I have some new figures in the form of Elf Scouts. These have been kit-bashed from Conquest Games - Dark Age Archers and the Oathmark elves set. They're a little bit chunky for elves but they look okay (besides that, these give me 6 extra elves from some old sprues that were doing nothing).
Did I say Ogres? Well what about 3 photo's of the same ogre? This is a Reaper Bones figure. I thought this figure looked really nice when I bought it. Then I mounted it on abase and I thought: Meh... It's okay. I started painting and I thought: It looks crap. Then I finished and now I think he looks very nice. He will now join the Erlking's Army (or the Army of Faerie).
That's some sort of tribal tattoo thing on his shoulder.
I also had a think about how I was going to do the terrain for the next RoSD mission and decided to go for card terrain. I could have done some cheap and nasty stone walls out of cork tiles but I thought I'd make the effort to do something that I can use for various other things in the future.

I'm using the Fat Dragon Delux Dungeon PDF terrain from DriveThruRPG. It has plenty of options but for now I'm just making some basic walls, corners and doors.
Print them. Cut them out. Fold them and glue them.

 A size comparison with a 28mm figure.

The structure is held together with bobby pins. Simple but effective.
On top of my new terrain board.
 And the the doors work too!
When the basic rooms are done I'll do some decorative bits to flesh out the rooms. Print terrain sometimes looks a bit odd but I've found that if you do a table with about 90% printed terrain then it looks really good. It's when you start mixing it with modeled/3D terrain that's when it starts to look weird.


  1. Lovely stuff! I love the elves unit!

  2. Nice work. I actually really like that ogre, and the terrain looks excellent.

    1. Thanks Ross, He came out better than I expected and the terrain has grown since I posted this.
