Wednesday 29 January 2020

The Club of Herakles & Other Oddities

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...
(As ELP once sung)

Another day and another bunch of weird and wonderful figures. I'm getting these figures painted at a pretty good pace and really enjoying it. My new painting routine (listening to audio books) is working well. I've finished listening to Imajica and moved onto another Clive Barker tale: The Great and Secret Show - an old favorite.

Anyway, before you go on I should issue a WARNING!!!
One of the figures on display is displaying something a little bit naughty and may not be suitable for work or in the vicinity of kiddies. I'll give you another warning before he comes in to view.

Today's figures are a bit of a mixed bag. The majority are, once again, from Eureka Miniatures with a Bones figure, a conversion, and a the inclusion of an original sculpted figure.

First are these little creatures: I don't know what they're called on the Eureka website but I'm calling the Sidhe (pronounced "she" - As in: "She has a funny shaped head."). These look great. They are about 18mm and they're pretty delicate. I like them and I think I'll get a few more.
This is another figure from Reaper Bones. It's some sort of demon or devil, I don't know which and I don't know it's exact name. It looks nice, was easy to paint and it will be versatile so that's 3 points in it's favour! It's a little taller than an average 28mm, but it is a supernatural entity to that's okay.
This pair are from Eureka's Chaos Army range. I don't know what either of them are supposed to be but their sheer weirdness is good enough for me. I don't know what they're called - They could be named Stumpy Joe and Slug Head as far as I'm concerned.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Club Of Herakles is a mighty symbol. It is a weapon of legend and is the emblem of the Greek city of Thebes. It is a symbol of great power. He who bares the Club of Herakles must be mighty in battle and mighty in deed for the Club of Herakles is the weapon of a demi-god! 

The family friendly version.
And there it is - Clearly visible: The mighty Club of Herakles.
The Not family friendly version.
And a mighty club it is.

The figure was a conversion of a naked 18mm Spartan hoplite from AB Figures. He has a Warlord Miniatures plastic Gaul head and a cloak from a plastic viking set. His "club" was painted by me. And I made his massive knob too. I am the guilty party. Mea culpa.
And finally, something sculpted long ago.

I made this tree guy a long time ago out of copper wire, putty and greenstuff. He was originally made for a treeman kit, so he was made, cut into sections, put into molds and cast in resin. I sold a few of him over several years. He has been sitting in a box in several pieces for the past 10 years or more. But now his time has come and he's getting ready to stomp onto the wargaming table sometime in the future. 

And that's January. I've made quite a lot of posts this month and, with one day left, I don't think I'll be posting anymore before February comes along. Painting individual figures is very different to painting massed battalions or other military formations. For me painting these type of detailed individual figures is a much quicker process and it's easier to get things painted and ready for the world to see.

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