Friday 7 February 2020

Some Orcses a Hobbit, a Golem and a Lady, walk into a bar...

The hobbit asks the bar tender, "Why the long face?" He replies; "Because I'm in a stupid non-joke on an even stupider blog. Get out of my bar, and don't comeback!"

So it seems I'm running out of ways to introduce new content. But I'm inventive, even if the attempt is somewhat pathetic and not the slightest bit funny. At least I've started writing and from humble beginnings I might manage to segue into a tale of glorious wonder and epic story telling, the like of which will never be told again.

Or I might just write about the newest figures I've painted during the past few days. And I'm pretty sure that I'm going to do just that! I'll go backwards from the title

First we have this lovely lady from Reaper Bones. I don't know what she's supposed to be. She's in a classic Sorceress' pose but she's armed with a sword and a glaive, so I'm unsure. She has booby armour and hip armour and the rest of her is completely open to weapons. So, as far as fantasy tropes are concerned, she is as fully armoured for battle in the best possible female fighter fashion.

I really enjoyed painting this figure. She was plain and simple and that's what I prefer most of the time. I had trouble with her glaive which woudn't sit straight. So I cut it off, drilled it out, added a length of brass rod and glued it back. All good. She has a great pair of eyebrows sculpted on to her face. They were crying out to be painted.
A Flesh Golem from Reaper Bones. This one was pretty simple and didn't take much effort or skill. It was cheap. It looks okay, And it will do the job. He looks pretty short and stumpy in the pics so the last one includes an Oathmark Goblin for comparison.
A Hobbit fighter. This one is a Black Bones figure. Not bad but some of his detail is a bit soft which made it difficult to pick out. I think he would look better in metal. But for the price, he's a pretty nice figure with a really great dynamic pose. I think he's sculpted but the same guy who did the fairy in my previous post. 
Orcsess! Lots of orcsess.
I decided to get my box of Oathmark goblins painted. I still have a half dozen archers to go but the main body of troops are now done. With the metal command figures added to the box I ended up with 33 Goblins/orcs. I now have 21 plus the metal command for a total of 24. These can make up two units of 12 infantry for Dragon Rampant or any other game I want to play. Depending on where I go with this fantasy binge I might have to get more orcsess. Lost more orcsess!
Sniff my finger, Ugluk. Does it smell mysterious?
As I got to the end of putting these together, I discovered a box of leftover bits from my Fireforge medieval army that I made a few years back. So, as any good wargamer would do under the circumstances, I did a little bit of kit bashing. Not much but they do add a bit of difference (the pointy mace is nice).
 And a group shot for the folks at home: Say Cheese!


  1. Looking as good as she does, who cares what she is meant to represent, haha!
    Lovely painting of them all.

    1. Thanks James. It is a great figure and it has a really nice face.
