Tuesday 10 August 2021

A Pair of Orcish Shamans

 I got these figures last year. They're both Reaper Black Bones figures and they're not some of their better figures. They sort of came up okay but they are really lacking detail and some of what there is isn't well defined. I couldn't make out what some of the details were so I just guessed.

I'm not sure what this one is supposed to be but I decided it's a half orc shaman. It looks okay in these photo and in the flesh but painting it was a challenge because the lack of detail made it uninviting and a bit of a chore. Overall it came out okay but I think a metal figure would have been much nicer.
This one was a disappointment. The images online look great but I'm pretty sure those pics are of the metal figure. Some of the detail is there but some of it is really ill defined and I had trouble trying to figure out what was what.
Overall, I shouldn't complain. They look okay and, for my purposes, they are only wargaming figures after all. 


  1. I have often wondered about the Reaper plastic versions...even some of the online unpainted images look a bit sh1t .... But you should be happy with these, your paint work has brought them out pretty nicely I would say!

    1. Thanks. But they are a bit fuzzy around he detail. I just took photo's from their best angles.
