Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Goblin Host of King Gorgol the Mighty

It took me much longer that I expected but I finally finished re-basing my goblins. This was a much bigger project than rebasing my elves. It didn't help that Christmas limited my time a bit, but the effort of doing these bases in the style I wanted meant that each base needed four different stages of work - adding the basing muck and placing the figures, stones and grit, grassy flock and finally adding the tufts to bring it all together. 

I do think it was worth the effort though.
I'm very happy with the results however, there is still a little bit of work to finish the project 100%. For instance I have a unit of werewolves and a bunch of regular wolves. I've been debating if I should include them in this army or add them to my undead hoard. Same with a bunch of giant spiders: this army or add them to my woodland army? Give me your opinion.
The whole army deployed takes up more than the 6' edge of a table. I had to deploy them deep so that I could fit them in and photograph them (they only just fit the table and I used the photoshop AI function to extend the background and widen the table edges). There are 12 bases of heavy warriors, seven skirmish bases, elite warriors, crossbows, wolf riders, boar riders, giant scorpion riders, mountain orc light warriors, ogres, a giant, a wurm, light artillery, heroes and a couple of shamans.
The Orc King Gorgol the Mighty, an uruk of great stature and evil cunning! This is a Mantic Games figure. He's nice and big and looks like a mean kind of guy. I'm not sure where the drummer came from but he looks cool.

Below is the newest addition to the army. This is my version of a pretty popular Reaper Bones giant. He normally has his right arm extended, parallel to the ground holding his club out. I did a bit of modification and added a bit of (green-stuff) armour to his right shoulder to cover up the modification marks. he looks like a pretty tough customer.
Starting on the flank are some warg riders. These will be classed as light riders with some missile capability. I don't want them to be too powerful but good enough to harass and capable of attacking vulnerable enemy units. The boar riders below will be a more hard hitting cavalry arm. They are from Mantic and they come as a unit of 10 figures so I was thinking of making 3 units of 3 figures and setting up the remaining figure as a hero but the units looked weak so I made two regiment of 5 figures and I'll have to find a suitable mounted hero.  The hero on the dire wolf is better suited to lead the wolf riders in my opinion.
Here's half of the heavy warriors. There are only 10 figures on each base as I wanted them to appear as more of a rabble when compared to my elves. By doing this I also turned my existing 10 regiments of 12 figures into 12 regiments of 10 figures! Two extra units! It meant that I had to make two more standard bearers but that was a pretty easy task (I just converted a pair of existing spear holding figures).
I decided to not give them any formed archers and, instead, made 7 bases of skirmishers. This is a much stronger skirmishing element that the elves who's main skirmishing is provided by javelineers. I think this is good as it will create very different tactical doctrines between the two enemies.
Below are the big hitters of the army - the giant and a wurm/dragon. The dragon is based weirdly. I didn't want to destroy the original base so I ringed the edge of the plastic base with thin strips of bark and added some magnets to the bottom. I then made a square base with magnetic sheet on it. It's very sturdy and I can remove the model from the big square base.
Above & below are some crossbows that I kit bashed using Oathmark Orc bodies and pieces from a Perry War of The Roses box. I'm going to make one or two more of these and they will constitute the army's formed missile elements. There is a noticeable gap in the picture below... I made a 12 figure unit of big tough chaps by doing the same oathmark/Perry conversion. These are designed to be the elite troops: bigger goblins (Oathmark Orcs) wielding two handed polearm weapons. I only made 12 so I need to kit bash more and fill that gap in the line.
A pair of ballista using the great WizKids set - you get a pair of these for about 10 bucks. Bargain! Just add a couple of modifies goblins and they're ready to go.
On the other flank are the poor relatives - The Mountan Orcs. These figures are from Wargames Atlantic and they are very different from the Oathmark figures so I decided to paint them with tan skin and give them a completely different aesthetic. The infantry are light warriors. They also have ogres in their ranks and these units will be classed as regular warriors with added traits to boost their hitting power. The idea of these units can be attributed directly by a quote from Boromir in the Mines of Moria: "They have a cave troll."
The Scorpion Riders came about because I don't like spiders. I'm such a pathetic arachnophobe that I cant even touch spider models that look too realistic (I'm okay with those old, stupid looking GW ones). So I bought a bunch of Reaper Bones giant scorpions and made these. I'm not sure how to class them for Midgard at this stage. I want them to be fast (scuttling) powerful (big snapping pincers) and difficult to control (insect minds), with missile capability.


And that's it. There is still a small amount of work to do to get this army finished and that will be pretty easy to do. I will add to their numbers in time and I especially want to build up the elite element. I have another box each of Oathmark and Wargames Atlantic goblins so the whole army will grow in time. I could combine elements of my Undead Host with these chaps to give them a boost it needed, but there are enough of them that they can stand alone in any sized battle.

Next thing is to complete the rebasing of my elves.

Cheers and thanks for reading.


  1. Both are lovely armies, can't wait to see them in action against one another.

    Been reading Midgard as well and it seems like a great game for my needs as well, now just need to convince my mates to try it.

    1. Hi Gromuk, Thanks. I'm keen to get both armies on the table too. I want to finish off the elf army and take some pics of the whole thing laid out. I'm debating, at the moment, which army to do next.

  2. What saddles did you use on those scorpions to get those awesome riders.

    1. They're the saddles that come in the Wargames Atlantic Goblins box. They're supposed to be for their giant spider set.

  3. Great looking army - the rebasing was well worth it! As mentioned above, looking forward to seeing these (and the elves) in action.

    1. Thanks LO. I've finished the elves and I'll be doing a post of the whole army soon.
