Monday 29 October 2018

First Legion ~ Redux

In my last post I mentioned that I wasn't really happy with my initial Roman Legion so I came upon a solution which I like.

As you can see from the photos I've doubled the amount of hastati, principes & velites. The velites were easy because it was just a matter of painting up another unit of 4 bases. However for the heavy infantry I decided on a different solution.

What I did was remove one figure from each base filled in the area with some grit and flock and put the bases side by side again. So this gave me a smaller looking unit of 12 figures (instead of 16) with four figures left over. All I needed to do was paint up another 8-pack of figures and I had a second unit.

This worked for both the hastati and principes. For the triarii I removed the figures from the end of the two bases I already had and painted up another four figures. Done!

This looks much better to my eye. It's still small for a legion but the quincunx formation looks better and I'm counting on a second legion to complete the illusion. I also have some Italian allies on order to make up the numbers (in true Roman fashion). I was going to go for Iberian's but went with the Italiotes at the last minute.

Oh yes... I'm also getting some equites ready for paint as I type. I'm going small for these guys - If the hastatii, principes & velite each amount to 1200 troops then each unit equates to 600 troops. So... I'm thinking that 4 bases of cavalry should account for the combined cavalry of 2 legions ~ but I might boost it to 6 bases later. We'll see...

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