Saturday 28 September 2024

More Prussians ~ Musketeers

This week I've finished the musketeer battalions of the 5th Line Regiment (4th East Prussian). I finished the first battlion a while back and started on the second but put them aside. They they sat around waiting to be finished for about a year or so. Now they're finished.

The figures are the boring Perry plastics. They look okay and they are affordable but they are pretty boring. I'd much prefer an "advance at the port" pose which I think looks better than the marching pose. The flags are from Flags of War. I very rarely purchase flags and prefer to make them myself but this time I bought them (I don't know why). Nice flags though! I bought them some time back.
Now below there's a couple of photo's of the second battalion. I also took a few pics of the first battalion but the light changed in between shots and the pics came out awful. This is a shame because the first battalion is painted better than the 2nd. I once again played with the AI Generative Fill tool on photoshop to add a background to get rid of the window and blinds behind the table.

And that's it for now. I'll get on to the fusilier battalion soon but first up I'm going to try my hand at some 10mm Napoleonic's to see how hard they are to paint, how long they take and how they look as a battalion.

Ian KH

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