Sunday 26 May 2024

Space Bugs Are Coming To Town

Another day and another post about Space Bugs.

I finished off my first box of Wargames Atlantic, Harvesters during the week. There are 20 large bugs and 10 smaller ones in each box so I decided to make them into units of 5 models. As a result I have 15 normal bugs and 5 with ranged bug bio-weapons. That's 20 bigg'uns and 10 little'uns.
As you can see in the photo above they make up a good starting hive. You may have noticed that I stated above; "my first box..." which implies that I have more. This is true. I ordered another box and it's on its way. Two complete boxes should make up a pretty intimidating bunch of bugs. I'll probably change the ratios and squad sizes when I get more models to play around with. I'm not sure yet so we'll see.
Here's just the new ones I added (3 regulars and 5 bio-weapons, 10 little ones). I added some fluro green to the bio-weapons to give them a bit of extra colour. It's not very evident in the photos.
I'm not sure how to classify these small bugs. They are a decent size (the bases are 25mm) so they're not small when compared to a 28mm human. I mean... If you saw a bug that size coming at you I'm sure you'd need a change of underpants. Especially if there was a small swarm of them. I know I would!
I still haven't figured out what game to use these for. I made up a Xenos Rampant list but it doesn't really scratch the bug-itch that I have. I much prefer the Firefight rules but it's difficult to add bugs into it. I can make up my own list but that would only be for my own games. As it is, they will work for either or both set of rules.

That's all for now.

Ian KH


  1. The old Mongoose - Starship Troopers rules are my favourite bug-fighting rules, if you can find them.

    1. Hi Joe,
      I had those rules but I don't have them any more. I'll see if I can get myself a copy.

    2. Hey Joe, I bought a pdf of the Starship Trooper rules. I'm reading them now.
      Cheers and thanks for the idea.
