Wednesday 4 January 2023

19eme Dragoons

I've had a box of Perry plastic French Dragoons sitting on the self for a long while and it was time that I got to them so they could take to the table and do their dragoonish thing.
When I got these I was keen to paint them up and get them into action but then the plague got in the way and my Napoleonic wargaming came to an abrupt halt and so did my desire to construct and paint these chaps. But we're getting back into the Napoleonic swing of things and their time has come at last.
For some reason there are 14 figures in this box. With the previous regiment I made I just did 12 figures and I don't know what ever happened to the other two figures. But with this set I decided to do all 14 and make a separate command base. I think they look better this way.
These figures are a bugger to paint because they have some great detail that I didn't want to miss. As a result they took a while to do but the results are definitely worth the effort. The coat for the bugler is a real challenge but I did my best to get him looking half decent.
So here is the 19th Regiment of Dragoons. I may add another base in the future to make an equal 8 bases. If I do that I will also add another two bases to my other regiment (the 1st Dragoon Regt) at the same time but there's zero level urgency for any such thing.

As it is, I now have a brigade of dragoons (1st and 19th) ready to take to the battlefield. I have a regiment of Warlord Chasseurs (very horrible figures) that did a while back and I have a box of Warlord Lancers (also not great figures) that I assembled a couple of years back but never painted. I'm very tempted to paint them at the moment but I need to do another French Infantry battalion before I do that. I also have some Prussian Dragoons that I'm keen to paint too!


  1. Beautiful looking Dragoons sir!
    Best regards

    1. Thanks Michal. Some Prussian dragoons to come soon.

  2. You have done a great job. I have just put together 4 cuirassiers to give them a go and can appreciate your comment on painting details.

    1. Thanks Norm. I want to get a box or two cuirassiers soon but I want to get some more Prussian cavalry done first.

  3. Very nice work indeed...I really need a Napoleonic cavalry expansion ... Need to get onto that, although I am short of stabling facilities! I actually currently have a box of Warlord Line Lancers under construction, a requested Christmas present from my adult daughter. It's the second box I have done and I quite liked the figures.....

    1. Thanks Rross. I will paint my Warlord lancers soon even thought I'm not keen on them. The chasseurs on the other hand are awful. They're sort of half chasseur and half hussar. The Perry chasseurs weren't out at the time I got them but next time I'll go Perry for certain.

  4. Very nice Ian. Amazing work.
