Saturday 16 July 2022

A Somerset! A Somerset!

I finished a bit more of my Wars of the Roses stuff. I'm still waiting on the 6mm stuff I ordered but to be honest, I'm not sure I really want it now. It's been months since I ordered the stuff and I should have been able to have most of it painted by now. 

I took my time with these latest additions because I wasn't sure about painting the command stand. In the end I just got stuck into it and it came out okay. I don't think it's great but I intend to do a few mounted command stands and this one is really just a practice. It's passable though.

Duke of Somerset with his standard bearer Sir John Flory.
I also finished Somerset's armed retainers. They came out okay but I'm not sure about the banner. I just didn't want to do another one with the gold portcullis on blue and white. Maybe I should have given them the Duke's coat of arms? I don't know. I can always change it if it's wrong.
This unit is the last of Somerset's retinue that I'll do - 2 units of retinue bill & bow and these men-at-arms. 
My next unit was going to be a band of shire levy archers. Instead I decided to start doing a Tudor retinue, so I gave them a unit of retinue bill & bow. I'm not really sure which Tudor this is supposed to be; either Owen Tudor or Jasper. I guess it's very much of a muchness. The main reason I wanted to do these guys was so I could use a pseudo Welsh flag.
I'll add a unit of men-at-arms and that will be their entire retinue. I've done the same for Exeter. I gave Somerset two units of retinue bill& bow to show that he has more wealth and can, thus, maintain more men in the field. I'll start adding some shire levy archers and billmen and some cavalry. After that I'll do some mercenary pike (Scots or French - I'm not sure yet) and maybe a unit of handgunners as well. When these are all done I'll add some other smaller retinues. Then, when I have a large enough Lancaster army I guess I'll start making Yorkists!